
Tiredness is a very common phenomenon and yet too little is known about it. In this blog, I will be talking about tiredness, its causes and effects and some of the FAQs. 

DISCLAIMER: I am not a Doctor nor a physician, so the below Information is only valid in the non-medical cases i.e., tiredness without any medical or health problem.


    So, this something which is the actual cause of incomplete goal, task, lack of motivation... A major cause why we can't be raised to the fullest of our potential. I will elaborately discuss from scratch what it means to be tired and why it is caused.


    It is a state of constant fatigue and a feeling of exhaustion. Simply put like, being tired means that you feel less active and sleepy at most times. Tiredness is the state of inactivity, laziness and un-productivity. 

    Tiredness when prolonged over time can become a habit of procrastination hence making you just postpone things. This is the root where all demotivation, frustration, envy and low self-esteem lies
    So, if you can contain this very factor in your life all others will be relatively easy to manage. 
    Tiredness thus can be cited as a root of all lazy bucks out there.


    The symptoms are very hard sometimes, especially if it is has embedded in your habits to be all-time lazy and tired, but if it is a new phenomenon then you can feel the change. 
    It can be broadly said that  symptoms are

    1. INACTIVE BODY where everything is just faded and you just want to rest all time. 

    2.HEAVY HEAD with a mild headache and continued feel of exhaustion.

    3. UNINTERESTED in most of the things whether work, play, study or entertainment.

    4.UNABLE TO PERFORM to your capacity you know you had at some point in time. 

    5. SHORT TEMPERED and irritated as you feel the void but ain't able to identify it. 

    6. SLOW to receive anything whether opportunity, recognition or task. 

    7.LESS COGNITIVE as prolonged inactivity can lead to a state where we stop growing and hence the smart in us reduces and our cognitive ability is hindered.


    As already, mentioned above I am not a doctor and can't discuss medical reasons but yes all that is not medical or to be precise serious medical, I can answer with my experience. 
    So, some of the odd ones are

    1. LACK OF VISION IN LIFE  makes us just pessimist about life. This makes the effort we put in any task very vague and half-hearted. 

    2. LACK OF MOTIVATION  after the vision is the cause of being lax and easy to go all the time.

    3. HAVING TOO MANY OPTION of subsistence and or achievement in life so much so that one becomes complacent.

    4.BULLIED, this may sound odd but I have seen many people especially kids and teenagers. When somebody is constantly telling you you are lazy and incapable, then it makes one a pessimist in life.

    5.HABITED to this experience of being at the last and being lazy. It is very very hard to come out of this vicious chain. 

    6.ILL DETERMINED like one decides to do something and just procrastinates and waits till what we call sar ke upar pani aa jana

    7. LACK OF A PLAN as sometimes we are just ready to work, ready to give our 100% but eventually as we don't have a plan we fail to make it. The adverse outcome makes us too lazy to try again.

    8. FRUSTRATION is also at times a cause not to try at all or to be just exempted as being tired. 


    I guess it is very subjective to say what it signifies, but in a nutshell, I would say tiredness is something not in order in life. 
    For if you see most of the people or for that matter, even animals are busy somewhere or the other. And if you being the most complex creature are just wasting time waiting for your wishes to come true, then boy there is a serious problem!
    I remember one character called TITU in a daily soap called tu mera hero 

    Now this image itself shows that he is too lazy to drive and his life wife is cycling instead.
    This soap is a very good thing to watch for the lazy bucks, as it relates to many of us. 
    They have highlighted what exactly I wrote in this blog!

    So, in nutshell, it can be a symptom of a visionless goal less life ill habited life; and that a change is a need now!


    As we can differentiate the causes of fatigue so can we also differentiate the types of fatigue?

     First, is the most serious one that is that of MEDICAL problem or ill health. For that, you actually need not read a blog but visit a doctor as soon as possible. 

    Second, ACTIVITY related to fatigue is if you have worked too much, much above your saturation point. This type is my favourite because of the content sleep one gets after it!

    Third, is the SLEEP related that is either too much sleep or too little sleep. I am a person who is majorly impacted by less sleep, I mean my productivity becomes very less and I feel not up to my potential.

    Fourth, comes the DIET related. Now, this is the most important one, especially for those zero figure visionaries. A good diet makes us active and present at the moment. Also, high carb foods are a cause of tiredness. So, like sleep, you need to have it in a middle way!

    Fifth, that related to ESCAPE things in life. Yes, to your wonder I have met some people who just don't want to face things and hence are just acting tired. For example, when it comes to giving mocks in UPSC or writing answers, people just use tiredness as an excuse to escape the terror of low performance.
    For more UPSC stuff, better read also: UPSC,  the lesser told truths to aspirants...

    Sixth is the LAST NAIL IN THE COFFIN which means you have tried and tried and tried but no result! For this case, I have a simple depiction,


    I am quite familiar with this as this is the case with most of the students preparing for competitive exams in India. This type of fatigue is very fatal and dangerous. 



    About TIREDNESS I would say 
    let us divide this into two things, 
    1. You fearing something.
    2. Hidden things hindering your activity.

    1. Fearing something and voluntary not doing them can lead to tiredness. I remember I was so terrified from reading English that I will just find some way to show I am tired, but I was not! Such if is your case too, then I think you need to follow my way. 

    REMEDY: You can find the expert in the task, observe him, practice your fear with him. Sometimes our peers might not be those experts because of the level difference we have. So, go for someone who is a specially dedicated expert in that field only.

    2. Hidden factors are the most complex to handle and the most time-consuming ones. These factors can be 
    CONTENT you read listen and watch 
    COMPANY you are in 
    THINKING in the free time you do.
    These are not one-shot tasks that need persistent effort.

    REMEDY: Start one by one, break them into smaller constituent parts and address them one by one. This will take time a lot of it but it is going to be worth it!

    About ENERGY I would say don't eat food that makes you feel like you have a burden on your body. Food must refresh you, fruits, raw veggies, juice and yoghurt may help a lot. I remember many of my friends who were so good at study but just because of that heavy meal they had they were not able to make up to their potential.


    In a one-liner, you either love less what you do or you are a beginner to it.
    In this case, a magic wand is PLANNING! Planning makes things easy and good going. When you monitor your performance you can easily make an average if not top performance! 

    So, getting tired easily means you need to plan, observe, improve and make things more simple.


    If it is a medical condition then yes, immediately you should seek a Doctor. But if you encounter any of the above reason then you need to worry less! 
    Moreover, it takes time to change the habit we have had for so many years. So, while changing be very kind to yourself, let it take time. Worry is a sign of seriousness you attach to your issue but it also is a symbol of that lack of confidence you have in your self.

    So, you need not worry but work for it. I remember when I gained a few pounds during lockdown time, I was advised to worry less, work out more! So, the same goes with the tiredness habit of yours, worry less work more, plan more, observe more!


    So, don't exacerbate things, flow with time. The things which will be yours will be there and those whose destiny is not with you will make their way out! Thing is to try and hope for the best.


    Sleep is very very important, especially when the question of being tired and lazy comes. As I already mentioned, sleep is to be in the middle. That is not too much, those times when you feel very tired and heavy is the time when you overslept. (Eat a lot of curds it will help a lot !)

    And those times, probable before that important interview or exam when you sleep only for 4 hours or less, that headache and feeling of not present in the moment. So, why does this happen and when do we feel active and not tired. 

    So, let us decipher this thing a bit ...what is sleep? It is COMPLETE REST by complete I mind Body plus the Mind. Mostly, we understand sleep as only when our body rests but that isn't sadly the case. This because when you sleep, you get your whole day wondering mind at rest. When the mind relaxes completely, it gets a clear memory the next day for you to write on. So, a well-rested mind is very important for a fresh active day ahead. 

    I have experienced this change when I woke up late at nights to study and believe me I couldn't remember one single word. It was like I was in a swing which is just going back and forth😳.

    A situation 

    I took coffee like a druggist and it was so absent. I mean I was to think like hell deep to reboot what I thought!
    So, I simply took like that I was not to be against the environment and take sleep at night only.

    Thus, having a mind that is to rest is very important for a good sleep.

    What can we do to have it?

    1. No stimulations before sleep, no phone, no laptop, no TV and yes no chit chat or hard debate!
    Book or some spiritual music is best.

    2. Do some chanting of religious text. It will make you content no matter what happened in the day.

    3. Have a bath if you feel an overburdened day. 

    4. And do have a dark, silent room with a good smell. This will make you less wonder and have complete rest. 

    5.Thank God no matter what your day was, no matter how hard it was. The thing that you are alive, at home, with family is the greatest. Hence, thank him!

    6.Ease yourself, when on your bed. I had that habit of thinking and thinking. But that exerts pressure on your brain. Be at ease.

    7.Do meditation if needed. Meditation like relaxing your body parts one by one.

    8. And yes no heavy food at night. 

    And when waking up in the morning same rules no phone, no WhatsApp status. And don't lay down thinking. Getting up means being at work. And yes, make up your bed and thank god, you woke up!

    If you follow these you will not only be less tired but also more live.



    Taking a complete sleep at night is mandatory to avoid feeling sleepy. Now here complete sleep for someone may be of 6 hours, maybe of 7 or 8 and so on. How it finds, simply when you feel Fresh in the morning after wake this is complete sleep.


    This is the most important part of it, making morning substantive by doing exercise or any activity makes our day. And remains us in fresh mood and avoiding from ubhashi and all.


    CONSISTENCY is very important here otherwise things are not going to have happened. You have to fix your sleep time and wake up time. In the initial phase, it will take time but after doing continue for 3-4 days by DISCIPLINE you will become habitual of it. Then and then only you can feel fresh.

    4. DIET

    All things are coming here and stops at the diet stage. If you not having a good diet not so professional but healthy then it will be a cakewalk for avoiding the sleepy or tired condition. Like avoiding junk food or too much fatty food or too much fast food etc are the causes of making humans tired and sleepy more which hampers the growth of people.
    In this again the second point is that timings of lunch and dinner need to be fixed. Not accurate but the surrounding should be. Because this treats our body to act according to us.


    Stay fresh always which means regular bath, cleanliness, neat and clean, fresh clothes washed handlooms etc are playing a vital role in stay far from SLEEP. Because if our surrounding is not fresh and good then we will also become dirty from inside. Like if you observed someone who is doing YAWN then you also start the same. 
    Hygiene also helps in preventing diseases like fungal infection, different allergies etc. I have a very bad experience with a fungal infection. So don't wait for such situations to come in life. Aksar log chamtkar se hi mante hai.


    Again here the schedule of our daily activities or routine is very important. I'd you are spending your day lightly like not doing any work or activities then this leading to laziness. So daily routine and targets and goals should be decided and need to complete one by one. Not always of study or job but anything but keep this in mind that something work and activity is the only solution to avoid sleepy. 


    Laughing is the best method to stay healthy. Here people believe that the more you laugh the longer you will be alive.  Don't be panicked in daily life because of some uncertain SITUATIONS because life is more about happiness and sadness than alternative happenings. Some people because of the Situation becomes the victim of Frustration.

    Here I provide the information about how to STAY MOTIVATED and how to AVOID FRUSTRATION and how to have also different DIFFICULT SITUATIONS in life. You can know more about that above. We have family members, friends, different sources to live sustainably and enjoy remaining life.




    Corona is caused because of low immunity and it causes low immunity. I have encountered this situation so, I can tell you that it makes you very very tired. Because of that Steam, Oxygen level checking and tablets you feel exacerbated and low. 
    For detailed information Click On CORONAVIRUS | COVID VACCINE | A YEAR OF PANDEMIC


    So, even if you fall into that so-called NO BODY SHAMING GANG, but the truth is YES! You are impacted by your health, here weight is not the issue if you are very active. We often have heard that ' a sound mind lives in a sound body so if our productivity at work, study and overall at life is to be increased we need to get a healthy body. 

    Moreover, obesity is accompanied by many health problems and mental issues. Thus, to be fit isn't that handsome appearance but that active and strong mind!
    Hence, EXERCISE as I already mentioned is a key to overcoming tiredness and sleep!


    This is my favourite question to answer, because I have lived a life when I always slept after eating, also in school in the 5th period after recess!

    Before giving you advice about the dos and don'ts let us go into Science. Well, when you eat you know that this food will be converted into energy by digestion. For digestion your body releases heat. And the energy for other processes becomes limited hence we feel sleepy. Now this means if we eat light and fresh food then we may not feel that sleepy that we fall asleep. 

    I took much time but finally figured it out.
    Thus, my advice would be: Eat limited, Eat at least something fresh like salad or fruit, take water in form of soup or daal, eat after 6 hours break. 

    Unnecessary Food 

    Eating right, limited and at a time when you feel hungry is the best way to feel lively and active!
    Hence, avoid eating like there won't be a tomorrow!


    Now, this is follow up to the above one. If you eat anything anytime just that you want to because your mouth waters will inevitably lead to a stomach ache. But unlike any other part stomach is the house of all health. If you have pain then tiredness and headache are like discounts with it!
    To remedy, eat curd, sleep, have herbal tea.


    I have experienced it quite recently, and it is very much. While fasting our glucose and iodine level lowers and hence we feel low and tired. But I advise you DON'T SLEEP IN THE AFTERNOON! Because all your energy will be used up and you will just stare at your walls in the night. 
    So, better have a meal like milk or fruit at night and sleep only at night while on a fast.


    Well, NO! If you do take off your body and health.

    Source of Inspiration 

    Just this mother-Son duo as an example. Milind Soman and his mother Usha Soman are your answer.

    This 81-year-old doesn't seem tired at all, it is possible for us too to be fitter and less tired.

    I hope I was able to answer some of your questions regarding tiredness. For any shortcoming please leave a comment as I am also yet a Learner.

    Thank You!