Planning and organizing definition.

    Planning can be very hectic and at times Organizing skills are a must. But how to overcome this problem? This is exactly what I have dealt with in this blog.

    If you are the one who prepares on the last night of the exam or project or an interview then it is the right time to make things in order i.e., to PLAN  


    But it is easy said than done. Because before we know it is time to plan TIME  is gone. And we have that regret and a lot of un-luck with us.

    It is easy in college life to be like that careless student and kid whom the teachers and parents scold of being lazy, complacent and inactive. But when your life, career or prestige is at stake it is never  'OKAY'. 

    I still remember we had 3 Holidays before the exam to prepare in school and I started chapter 1 unit 1 on the last day at 6oclock. Then what CRAM, CRAM, CRAM...

    Time management is a must

    And this eventually led to FRUSTRATION, the topic I have already dealt with.


    Well, it is too easy to be explained in a one-liner. I guess it is indeed important to know what to do in the next hour, a minute or even a second. And this is also a way to be much more productive. Moreover, you will be content with life and work as it is important to be on time. 

    Also, it is said that,                                                                                                       

    "What gets measured, gets managed!"

    Hence, if you want to manage a lot of works you need to measure your time a lot to those tasks

      and manage each. 



    Planning and organizing helps us in lot many ways as 
    1. Have a vision of our future, that is what exactly will be our priorities.

    2. Better Decision Making, as with a plan we can eliminate everything that is in our way to success.

    3. Ready for uncertainties as only having a PLAN 'A' in the first place will lead us to plan 'B'.

    4. Better off in the competition as most of us don't plan, prepare and try to deal with our shortcomings.

    5. Experience and Maturity will be our quality once we are good planners and organizers.

    6. Best Utilization of Time and hence increased productivity as no time will be wasted on deciding exactly what to do where to begin.

    7. Planners are Scanners of the demand and trend in markets as they have a track through their plans.
    8. As a student more Discipline will come into your life hence a lot of confidence and motivation.

    9. Better resource utilisation, this is specifically true for money management and spendthrifts.

    10.  Order and Calmness in life as we will be more content about the utilisation of our time. 

    Thus, we should be much more insightful about Planning in a sound and effective manner.


    This topic is very interesting, as I have seen people make an ivory tower and also seen some of them making Minuscule plans to ease themselves. For instance, I had that friend and he would plan like 'Polity in one day, economy 2 days' and the fourth day he was listening to some topper's talk to get motivated. And some were like 'Let's allot Polity 1 week (knowing that there are only 15 days left till exam !).  

    So, our concept or calculations to be precise needs to be accurate and realistic. But we have a flawed concept of planning (this is a reason why the Planning Commission was abolished 😂).

    No, seriously we all talk about the benefits of planning but still don't do it. Before moving to the topic of how to plan let's look at the 


    1. Low Confidence: As you already know, a good start is a half race won, so if we wait for the last day to come for us to come into action it will be disastrous for our confidence.           


    2. Embarrassment: I remember how people abused one of our relative because of their ill-planned trip where they spoilt almost everything. No room, No food and for returning home no travel conveyance😬. Hence, if you ill plan there is only mockery on the other side!

    3. Uncertainty: Often if you are not prepared time takes you in its way. 



    1. WHERE TO BEGIN: Anywhere where you would feel easy to begin. The other things will fall into their place automatically.

    2. DIVIDE AND RULE: This is a mantra, especially for UPSC aspirants, this is how it goes: Let's assume I have to mmm complete a book like of 200 pages. So, what I will do is 

    a. Number of chapters                   

                  b.number of topics in chapter 

             c. number of pages of the topic     

    Simply write chapter name, topics ten only read and tick what is done. 

    Best way to be faster

    This is not only true in the basic thing as a reading book. But in big events like begin a new journey, plan a trip, big action plans or being the project manager etc.

    The thing is to go into the nitty-gritty of each of them. 

    3.BE REALISTIC: Sometimes the problem is we are too unrealistic in planning and organizing. That is when we set targets that are not at all easy to achieve. The result is we weren’t able to complete the task and get demotivated. I have written about motivation also earlier.

    4.DISCIPLINE: Much more important than to have a plan is to implement it. For that you need DISCIPLINE. It is the very soul of any project planning or to complete a task.

    Plan of past

    Remember those timetables on the wall which never turned into reality. It was a lack of discipline that they remained only on the wall.

    5. REVIEW: It is very important to measure things to manage them. Especially for planning and organizing and to complete the task in quality on time. This review of action plans or test if you are a student will help.


    At the workplace, you have to be an efficient planner else it will be the wind ferrying you along. So job task planning and organizing is important.

    If you are the manager or  CEO  then you certainly got to lead a team and for that, a plan worth convincing the team will help. Moreover, a TRUST in a leader makes the laziest person work and this 'TRUST ' is not the person but his plan. 

    Example of planning and organizing in the workplace

    planning your project, planning a function at the workplace or simply plan to deal with that 'not good friend ' project partner.

    Planning And Organising skill training.

    How planning is important in life

     If you are an employee or worker then of course you have to get your place secured and search for better opportunities. Staying on the same post in the same company is just like still water and just shows the lack of a sound plan. You can also organize a charity plan.


    What are the benefits of planning


           1.Overall picture in mind

           2. Idea of goal to be achieved 

           3. Strategy  

        • Total work estimation 
        • Time allocation to each task 
        • People to best do the work 
        • Integrating work 
          4. Choosing right man at right work 

          5. Supervising while assisting

          6. Evaluation and constructive criticism 

          7. Overseeing any problem and solving it 

          8. Compilation of work

          9. Implementation plan 


    Students are the actual people who need to learn planning. Because being a good planner right from the beginning will make them a very good person at home, work and society. 

    In day to day homework and assignments, those who plan out days are far better at them scoring high marks in school. Those last minutes as mentioned earlier are inevitably inviting stress and frustration. 

    So, whether competitive exam or simply school homework a good plan is always a bonus to a student.



    It is undoubtedly true that to be successful you have to be prudent and more foresight full. Many a time so many people lose opportunities and even a good life due to lack of planning. They simply do things without doing their homework. This makes life just another UNCERTAINTY and FRUSTRATION sets in. So be very cautious about whether you are ferrying life or the other way round …


    Sometimes in chaos, mess and uncertainty it is hard to calm down let alone project planning or completing a task. In these times, it is the heritage and gift from our ancestors that is the yogic trick .. Fall into silence for a couple of hours you will reach to many answers!!!

    Thus, in this competitive world, you need to be prudent and ahead of the game. Planning and organizing will make you more efficient, realistic and foresighted. All needed for this competitive world. 

     Able to plan means a good manager, good student, a good fellow and overall achiever.