I am currently living in a PG .'Paying Guests' well I have been in it, in a couple of apartments before also.
So, I thought I fit to answer the above question, "THE LIFE IN A PG"...
I think you will better understand why to get a good PG is important than to simply recite my experience first.
1.Peace: As if there will be a chick-chick you will just pour all that is bad in life onto your pg because in the end man comes home(in this case PG ) to relax not to burst into anger.
2.Progress: Because no matter whether you are a student or working when you won't be happy with simple things like food and bath it will lead to frustration and annoyance.
3.Depression: Now this sounds hype but yes I have witnessed such people who were just so sad about leaving their place that it broke their tolerance. (became frustrated)
And food, cleanliness, peaceful environment, friendly neighbour, sensible landlords are also some aspects but those get adjusted once those above mentioned are on place.
Well, PGs have many characteristics based on the experiences we get. I have written according to mine...
1. NOT HOME this may sound a bit cold and rude but it is very very true.PG is a paid place, if you accept warmth and care of the home you are on wrong track. Accept the truth, adapt to it!
2.DISCIPLINE because unlike at home where functions, rituals and even guests change our day's scenario, in PGs it is like 5 means 5 otherwise complain!
3.COMPLAINTS BOX, yes at home it is like this is the set of parents and siblings you got and you need to cope up, in PGs it is like CHANGE & SHIFT!
4.FOCUSED PLACE for study and work as no one is going to disturb you unnecessarily as at home.
5.GROWTH & MATURITY because no sister or sibling to lie for you or your parents to protect you. People know you the way you are. Thus, you improve a lot.
For more See also
That is much to your budget. I mean I paid odd 10 thousand for my PG and got facilities like
a) 3 SEATER ROOM with furniture like bed table chair
b) FOOD 3 times with snacks on Sundays and milk every night and UTENSILS were provided by them
c)LAUNDRY where my clothes were washed
d)AC in the room
e) RO filtered water
As I said it may vary from PG to PG but these days especially in Chandigarh there is a kind of uniformity in the standards of PG. But still, variation like Food, own utensils, own bucket and self-washing clothes might be there.
Some Landowners make it easy for you by telling you the facility and the rate they would charge from you for that. So, I prefer you to visit some site or call a friend for that matter who can tell you the inner truths the owner won't reveal to you.
This is a great dilemma especially you get some like-minded friends with whom you think you can cope. But Flat according to my experience is not that good for a student, though working professionals can consider it.
This is because
1. ECONOMY is less in a flat as you will pay for all things separately, also for garbage. SO this will make it chaos and mess in your life. Moreover, if one partner leaves your flat you will be burdened to pay all the rent.
2. FIGHTS well that hum saath saath hai feeling just becomes air the minute you have to do a little work more than allotted. This will lead to blaming, fights and bitterness in relations.
3. SAFETY because unlike PG you are to take care of who comes into your flat and those around.
4. SECOND HOME, not in a positive term. As, when you have flat relatives, whether your or your flatmates come. This makes it exactly the place (HOME) you left to study or work!
5. HIKE IN PRICE or rent is the owner's thing now and then. In a PG this is not the case.
This is very very subjective, as it varies with your personality traits
PG for has more freedom then hostel
PG has lesser security then hostel
PG is less of a study environment than a hostel
PG addresses complaints more than a hostel
PG is an open space, the hostel is closed (often called jail)
PG has less discipline and rules than a hostel
PG is more personalized than a hostel
PG can be changed, hostel not.
Hence, a freedom lover, wanderer, liberal and outgoing type person can choose PG.
One who is studies and more rule-bound can opt for a Hostel.
Though I have done my degree while living in a flat, I never felt new because of my loved ones being near to me. But once, I shifted to Chandigarh for UPSC I experienced new life, THE PG LIFE.
Well, I went to a PG, they provided me with food, dry clean, milk, snacks, etc.
Though initially, they were nice but slowly that face masks were worn off and
Yes, all that was important to them was not me but 10,000 Rupees! They did like step-parents I mean how much does somebody eat, how much electricity he consumes and everything!
Though being a business it is ok to look at the cost and benefit, but if so they should not at least fool people up. I remember they told my father he is like our son, I mean then I got it was STEP SON of typical Bollywood movies ...
Surveillance |
They were very keen on collecting money rather than inspecting their service!
Well, next came SINGLE ROOM i.e., PG without food.
Oh, that aunty was so blood-sucking, she was just all the time matching her noise with my study time. Now and then she whispered into the maid's ears to clean less our rooms.
And, then the final shot, A PG in making !!!😑
He was one of my known and during COVID 19 when nobody opened up a PG he opened one and God saves it was a piece of catastrophe. Having good infrastructure I thought it would be some peace in life but no, food even milk for tea wasn't there. With God's Grace, we got one cook and because of the owner's bad karmas, he too was inflicted with smallpox. And the owner forcibly brought him saying he is fine in just two days!!! I mean these people as all say just want to do nothing but exploit, whether students or cooks or maids.
Now, how I changed from a victim to
I was advised by a friend that I should never be too emotional regarding service. They like electoral candidates will come after 5 years i.e., 1-month rent ...
So, then apna time aayega !!! I questioned, complained and even warned. Then only these people got real competition.
For having a detailed and elaborated picture of PG IN CHANDIGARH
See also
That too from different states who like your siblings share and care for you. I remember when I fell sick they called in such a panic my home that my father too got scared!!!
Also, those TEAS at midnight and those Ice-creams at midnight. All these things cheer you up, moreover, when you talk to your friend's parents and they say you both have to care for each other in that strange place it is a most overwhelming and heartening experience.
Those walks to lose some pounds, and those Momos we shared are moments, just as a treasure of life.
Moreover, you learn alot of social skills like
1.COOPERATION especially in a sharing Bathroom
2.MATURITY by being humble even to those lesser friends
3.WISDOM by learning from others, from their habits
4.SELF REALIZATION because unlike at home people at PG are least scared to tell you your mistakes
5. TEAM SPIRIT especially while you complain about some issues
6.MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION in scenes where the landlord becomes adamant and you have to use sweet words to convince him.
7. COPING WITH SOLIDARITY as at times you won't be that open to share a problem in those cases you grow up and deal with that loneliness.
1. Co-operate, don't be exclusive and isolated even if you don't have time because of your job or study just smile don't frown.
2. Don't take the landlord too serious. Ask accountability before paying rent and until they don't listen ask and ask and ask...
3.Be kind to your cook because he is the one who can
frustrate you the most, I hope you're getting what I say.
4.Call home every day and let them be a part of your struggle, this will help you to be calmer.
5. Make good interstate friends they are lifetime gems!!!
6.Take PG nearby your college, office or academy. It will save you energy, time and money.
SO, yes hopefully you will too have a happy PG life with thriller, comedy, emotions and fun.
Thank You for accompanying me on this memory journey !!!
- Is PG legal? Well, YES it is. But if you have any issue and reach the police, you will be favoured by them as against the owner.
- Are PG rules stringent? This varies from PG to PG but most of the time they are not as rigid as hostels are.
- Can my Parents live in my PG for a few days?
Yes, but they might charge you in most cases.
If you have any doubt please inform me or want to change something