Simplifying your life is more about prioritising and focusing on what’s important to you. It’s about finding the easiest ways to do things.
Simplicity teaches a man a lot. And if you want to do something big in life, a simple and smooth life helps a lot to be successful. Hence, simplifying our life has a direct relation with success!
In the old days, people were very simple and straightforward. In recent times, everyone's standard of living has changed, thereby what they think, what they say and what they do is not at all in harmony. This leads to a sad, negative and frustrated life.
And because of that, people have made their lives very difficult, glowing outwards and dull inwards!
15 ways to simplify your life.
1. Remove unnecessary stuff:
Remove all unnecessary negative thoughts from your mind. If you want to shift to a simpler life then you have to delete all your memories which made you sad. You have to sacrifice all things which you had earlier. Here example may be cited of a student who wants to study in future for
Competitive Exams. He can do so by ending a luxurious complex life, having easy thinking and easy life. Then he is to sacrifice all those things whichever he used to do like wasting time, money etc. This helps in making or simplifying your life and hence more focused effort towards the goals.
2. Have your spending in control:
Avoid unnecessary spending. For that, we need to understand our needs. Sometimes people spend money more than their income. Don't do that, just because someone is buying it, you also need to. Avoiding unnecessary spending is the key to simple living. Because no waste or imitated buying means no status to tell the world and hence a life at peace!
3. Get control of your time:
The most important thing is time management, prepare your day to make goals and daily targets and organise all in a good manner. Make schedule hourly in mind or form of a soft copy on your mobile or write on a small piece of paper and mark on targets when completed. So proper time utilisation will help a lot. Moreover, you will not be bothered by anybody.
4. Stay away from toxic people:
Stay away from toxic people who want you to lose whatever you have with you. It applies to all the cases whether students, business, or family members. Not that you boycott them completely but
making a Healthy boundary is very important. Stay away from such kind of people, full stop. Yes, you might have to go through a dilemma in the case of
student life in pg or hostel, because here people want to know you, spend time...but remember your goal, duty. When it is work just have the courage to say 'NO'.
So, don't hesitate just prioritise.
5. Remove bad habits:
For doing something better in life we have to leave our old habits. Making unnecessary expenditure is bad habits and you have to end it. Here it takes time but your perseverance plays a vital role. We have to defend ourselves from being the
victim of Frustration because removing bad habits are very hectic than making bad habits. It is a very time-consuming process so be PATIENCIENT and CALM. To create some good habits and stick to them consistently.
6. Take a simple nutritious diet
Having nutritious food plays a VERY great role in our life. Because everything gets upset once the stomach has an ache. We automatically turn out frustrated and angry all time. It gives us the Strength to struggle in life and do something better to earn respect. The mind works with energy and good food gives the mind the strength to work faster. Its direct links to, your mind, how you make a decision, according to situations mind has to work effectively and this is possible by your meal.
7. Do exercise and meditation:
This is the most important part of our life. There is nothing more important than our health. We have seen in this fight against corona many people became victims of mental trauma. Doing meditation for 10 minutes every morning gives us defending power against unnecessary thoughts. For the last year, I am doing this daily for 10 min and that's why I can do my work with proper concentration and focus. I share here a link of one IPS officer who made 10 min video for meditation if you want then can watch it.
8. Make daily goals and targets:
In our daily life many things are happening which may be certain and many others with uncertainty. If we are not able to control the 'certain things' then it will be a nightmare to handle the unexpected, the 'uncertain ones'. Making goals and targets makes our ways easy and lead us to progress. Make a schedule for everyday like for example if you are a Student then your schedule should include your newspaper time, breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner in well-planned timings. Different subjects at different times. This will make you more engaged with your activities less with thoughts. Then, you will not realise how your day was systematically spent. This is true for everyone out there and not just students.
9. Help others:
On this planet everyone does not have equal opportunities, equal things like mobile, food, clothes, education, even parents, some maybe not have organs. So if you are one of the lucky people who with god's grace has everything in your life, sharing some part of it with the needy is great work. These simple things make us different and mature then we were and also respect & love for others increases and helps in simplifying your life. These things become
motivational sources for us.
10. Spend time with family:
Family members are the ones who care for you, spend time with them.
And parents of every person wants their son /daughter to talk to them, share some things with them, smile together, eat together which leads towards an unbreakable bond of love and care, also maturity level increases so do simplicity as there are pomp and show in it.
11. Nature visit to relax:
Make every Sunday schedule to travel in nature and enjoy this day despite going to cities or to watch movies, have that branded dinner etc. This activity has a very positive impact on our daily life. Calm conditions will help to relax your mind moreover a meeting with the supreme will set our meagre problem aloof.
Nature |
12. Learn to say 'NO':
There are certain fixed things which we have to do but others are not like a dying situation without us. Those need a rejection for sure. Her sacrifice is very important, we need to understand that nobody should compel us to do something because if that happens the string of our life's kite gets into their hands. Say No to those unnecessary talks, those backbiting and that online shopping buddy. You got to do nothing which hurts the core of you who wants change.
13. Think positive:
A positive mindset has a very positive impact. Our life is the reflection of the right thoughts. Positivity is the great energy that converts all our true efforts into success, all negative worries to positive assertions. Have you ever observed the bells or prayer we hear from the temple, church, masjid or gurudwara? Isn't it exuberating and holy and positive? What if you kill negativity by chanting those prayers...So think positive and be happy which makes our life simpler.
14. Simple clothing:
Some people just because they have a lot of money, their behaviour changes accordingly, they think differently, behave rudely with other poor persons. Don't be proud of negative things perhaps some people have a lot of money but they are not happy in their life because of too many things and too fewer people. Poor people don't have money but they are upright in their conduct, what else is needed other than love in this hatred filled atmosphere. Clothes when they are simply are a non-verbal expression of equity and warmth and that feeling of belongingness. Don't pomp and show yourself, this decreases acceptability.
15. Satisfaction:
Whichever steps you are taking in your life make sure that you are doing very well, have faith in yourself, have confidence and realise your potential by replacing weaknesses with strength. And be satisfied so that if it is the last day you won't regret your partial effort.
Why there is a need to simplify your life?
Because the real you is simple. If you live with an image that is just for sake of our audience you will never know what kind of a human being you are.
We often say to prove the world what we are but implicitly if we are fraught with a lot of vices we will hardly ourselves know the true us. Remember Gandhiji's quote," true India lives in its villages".
Well, that is the same with us, the real us lives in that SIMPLE, HUMBLE and CALM us. It is where there is no show off for no one, where there is only truth and reality.
How do you simplify your life to be happy?
Though I have already discussed 15 of the above, those were more of lifestyle changes. Now, some changes in the mindset.
1.BE YOU, don't copy anyone or change for anyone. Accept the way you are. You will see very unique things making you very happy!
2.DON'T MAKE THINGS COMPLEX, sometimes it is as simple as they don't care it is ok, or as this has happened, or like we have to face it. Let these be simple don't put unnecessary why,' how', 'what'...
3.BE QUICK IN DECISION MAKING, or simple just don't overthink. Let time decide whether it was a good decision or not!
4.DON'T PROCRASTINATE, sometimes it is hard to do the same thing at another time. Things change and what is called MUHURAT is the point planets were on a certain alignment. So, time should be NOW OR NEVER!
5.BE AT PEACE some days are hectic, sad, loaded. Don't succumb, be at ease, be at peace. Take out 5 minutes to breathe and go back to work!
6.MOVE ON IF NEEDED especially for those heartbroken guys, let it go! Don't tie people, wealth, material around you if it has to go let it be so!
7.BOWING IS ALSO IMPORTANT you know at times you argue with someone who takes enmity with you. Just bow down, say them they are correct. Leave it! Don't let their poison enter you!
8.LET PEOPLE TALK NOT YOUR BUSINESS this will make you very powerful, immovable and stoic. Let not somebody have the charge to make you weak just by their words!
How can I simplify my life and save money?
I have discussed above a lot, now let me tell you about some money-related queries amongst which how to save it is most frequent. Well, money though we say should not be your goal but no doubt it is very very important in our lives. It is not only a symbol of wealth and class but also the hard work we put to earn it.
So, effective utilisation of money becomes inevitable if you want to simplify at least your financial life.
Here is some fiscal prudence we ought to have to have the least complexity from money issues.
a) As the budget, so the expenses. Don't take things don't even think to buy them if your budget is not that much. It will be a very severe condition if you overlook the budget and spend blindly.
b) Prioritise things FOOD, SHELTER, HEALTH should be on top. You know it is said that we work hard to just afford a meal i.e., we do it for our stomach. So, don't ever make that gadget or clothes above your food. The same goes for health and shelter.
c) Don't be like today is the last day, UDAA DO (finish it all) always see tomorrow!
d) Invest where there is the longterm gain you know those people who buy costly phones and say college fee is very high. Who think a post on FB or insta boasting off is more urgent then education for life.
e) Don't let a single rupee go to waste I might sound like a miser but when I look at those poor children it is a shame to me that we waste, be it food, clothes, money ... Just think of those downtrodden.
f) If you have paid for it say committed, just take out all that you a from the opportunity you got by paying for it.
How do you simplify your life in 2021?
And a special reference to the uncertainty ridden COVID 19 wich engulfed all of us last year. I was in another place from my native land when that uncertain situation happened on 23rd march 2020. Governments. And was not known that such a disastrous disease will destroy people's life.
As time has spent, positive cases went increasing, many have lost their lives, in them, my closest was also and life becomes blank 🥺. I and my family were the victims of this pandemic. Many things it taught us and we have to live accordingly.
- Not completely ended, Social distancing, wearing the mask, washing hands are necessary.
- How to be prepared for the unpredictable situation.
- How to survive in limited money for a long time.
- How to co-operate with corona warriors, Doctors, nurses, police, all workers who defend us by giving their lives in danger by staying AWAY from family members.
- Cleanliness.
- Share other food for the needy like the labour workforce.
- Self-sufficiency as we turned int barbers, teachers, entertainers and most epic Chefs...
Let's talk about students', how they were impacted and had to deal with the memorable incident of their life ...
This catastrophic event was very impactful on those who have a non-learning and stressful atmosphere at home and find peace at school. Even those students who wished school should be banned thinking of so much like earthquake and tsunamis to have holidays, understood it's importance.
Those online papers were no less than an open book test and for English schools, the parents just repeated the class as they did all schoolwork.
This disease has widened the gap between students and school. School is the place where all friends eat together, sit together and study together which imbibes social values in the kid. Thus it was a complete loss of a year and more in the case of red zones.
Thus, being a student you should never take school only a place where the draconian teacher will scold you but it is a life which will never come back !!!
Cherish It!
So, I on my part tried to share the knowledge I have on simplicity hope it will help you at least somewhere!
If you have any doubt please inform me or want to change something